A semi reinforcing carbon black for replacing partial or totally carbon blacks from the series N500, N600 and N700.

EcoCB Advantajes
• Environmental Benefits: One Ton of virgin carbon black by “furnace” process produces an average of 2,5 Ton of CO2. To produce one EcoCB Ton only generates 130 kg of CO2, which means a reduction of 95% in carbon footprint.
• Competitive Benefits: Companies using EcoCB will obtain environmental certification for their contribution to Circular Economy for using recovered raw materials.
• Competitive Price: Recovered carbon black is not indexed to the oil price.
- Extrusion, pressed and injected rubber products
- Waterproof membranes
- Footwear
- Heat insulation floors
- Low pressure hoses
- Automotive parts
- Conveyor belts
- Graphic industrial inks
A liquid fuel for industrial applications with a Fuel Oil similar heat value.

EcoFuel Advantajes
• Environmental Benefits: Fuel comes from a tire with a high fraction of biomass (natural rubber). Using this fuel, a fraction of the emissions is CO2 neutral.
• Competitive Benefits: Companies using EcoFuel will obtain environmental certification for their contribution reducing the carbon footprint.
• Competitive Price: This fuel is not indexed to the oil price.
- Stationary engines
- Electrical generators
- Steam generators
- Additive for heavy fuels
- Raw material for other products.
Ecotr is currently developing a joint work with companies within South America manufacturing the above mentioned products and also is developing trials with the agricultural tire industry.